At least 80 reported dead in Syrian-government airstrikes near Damascus |Syria |Damascus |airstrikes

18.08.2015 - 16:36 #Syria, #Damascus, #airstrikes
Reports suggest Syrian government airstrikes northeast of the capital have killed at least 80 people.

Kiev/ Ukraine in Arabic/ Reports suggest Syrian government airstrikes northeast of the capital have killed at least 80 people. 

Images taken from social media purport to show the aftermath of an attack on a market in Douma, some 15 kilometres from Damascus.

Rescue workers said at least 200 people were wounded in the assault. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said warplanes fired around ten rockets and bombed again after rescue workers had arrived on the scene.

A source in the Syrian military claimed airstrikes in Douma and neighbouring Harasta targeted the headquarters of the Islam Army rebel group.

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