Ukraine in Arabic | Terrorists stay without Russian fuel

Russian Federation leaves militants without gasoline and with dry food rations

KYIV/Ukraine in Arabic/ According to coordinator of the Information Resistance group Dmytro Tymchuk, Russia is in no hurry to share fuel with militants: the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics are in a critical situation as to gasoline.

"Despite the active assistance of Russia, the 'LPR' and 'DPR' have a critical situation with fuel. In the 'LPR', bids for allocation of fuel are approved by the head of the 'Republic'. In Luhansk, 300 liters of fuel are allocated for 157 cars of the so-called 'police' of the militants and the 'city authorities', he said.

The situation is no better with cash in the 'Republics'. For example, at schools in the territories, occupied by militants, teachers are offered dry food rations as payment for their work. "Dry rations made in Russia. One dry ration per day," Tymchuk says.

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