Ukraine in Arabic | Scuffles break out as Israelis mark ‘Jerusalem Day’

Accompanied by a heavy police presence, thousands of Israelis marched through Arab sections of Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday to celebrate Israel’s capture of the area nearly 50 years ago.

Kiev/ Ukraine in Arabic/ Accompanied by a heavy police presence, thousands of Israelis marched through Arab sections of Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday to celebrate Israel’s capture of the area nearly 50 years ago.

In scuffles broke out as palestinians staged a counter-demonstration  police made six arrests.

The event known by israeli jerusalem days often accompanied by unrest with Arab residents viewing it as a provocation .

A spokesperson for a leftist israeli organization explains a bloody mess you made him mad .

During the Marshfield city is close to his residence are forbidden from entering or exiting they say that this day for them makes them feel as those are in prison wasn't being kept inside their houses their forbidden to go in and out as the old city.

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