Ukraine in Arabic | Petro Poroshenko: Ukrainian-Russian conflict can’t be resolved only by military means

Ukrainian authorities declare war in east Ukraine impossible to win by military means alone

KYIV/Ukraine in Arabic/ Ukrainian president says that peace plan is the only way to bring an end to the conflict. He defendeda new law, rushed through parliament, which gives limited self-rule and an amnesty to pro-Russian separatists.

"I underline that it is impossible to win the war in the cities of Luhansk and Donetsk using only military means," Poroshenko told journalists, adding "the more Ukrainian army battalions or brigades are brought up there, the more troops there are from the Russian Federation."

In Ukraine’s eastern Luhansk region, months of shelling have taken their toll. The destruction of homes, bridges and public buildings is all around. There is little food and no electricity and running water.

In Moscow, more than ten thousand people marched on Sunday to demonstrate against the fighting in Ukraine including opposition politicians.

"No to war with Ukraine" and "Putin stop lying and fighting" the banners read.

Supporters of the separatists in Ukraine also attended the march to protest against it.

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