Ukraine in Arabic | Palestinians put pressure on Damascus over Yarmouk crisis

Yeah the desperate plight of Palestinians trapped amid fighting in Syria prompted this demonstration outside the UN headquarters in Gaza

Kiev/ Ukraine in Arabic/ The one of the organizers said the UN had a duty to secure the safe exit have women and children from the yarmuk refugee camp in Damascus the banners read free world assist people and we want to camp Fri militants a senior figure from the Palestinian.

Liberation Organization said he was heading for Damascus to try to get the  Syrian government to secure a better protection for civilians the self-proclaimed Islamic state claims photos like these show it to be in control of your book where the said to have captured Palestinian fighters sandstorm in the camp last week neither the photos nor this video purporting to show I still militants can be verified palestinians say their fighters have tried to resist I cells advance into yarmuk.

The with the Syrian Air Force having reportedly dropped several bombs on the camp the UN says thousands of civilian lives are in danger we have not been able to send any food or any convoys into the cam since the current round of fighting started and of course that means that there is no food there is no also there's very little.

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