Ukraine in Arabic | Belarus wants to participate in Ukrainian-Russian conflict

Alexander Lukashenko is ready to send his peacekeepers to Donbass

KYIV/Ukraine in Arabic/ Belarus president told about his plan to resolve the crisis in Ukraine by putting Belarusian peacekeeping troops on the ground, but it was rejected by all parties.

"If it is necessary - and it for me very dangerous and terrible thing - if there is a mistrust of Russia to the West and the West to Russia, America to Russia and Russia to America, and there is a mistrust of belligerent parties, I would be ready to use and the armed forces to part conflicting parties",  Lukashenko said.

But Ukraine's foreign Ministry sees no reason for peacekeeping troops from Belarus in the Donbass, said the head of the Department of information policy of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Yevhen Perebyinis.

"We believe that no peacekeeping troops in Ukraine need to enter. Need to the Russian Federation and the terrorists did Minsk agreement on ceasefire and an exchange of hostages", he said.

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