The new prime minister has called the first three steps for the development of industry

Work in foreign markets in order to develop export potential

According to Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, the three immediate steps to improve the situation in the industrial sector are to communicate with industrialists, lobby in world markets and create the right conditions in the tax sphere.
He said this during an hour of parliamentary questions to the government.

Step 1.

“Get answers from industrialists, entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses that they need - these are the 100 steps that government and parliament need to take to make their business feel at home so they can do their jobs

… We have agreed that we do not do reforms without those for whom we do it, ”the prime minister says.

Step 2.

Work in foreign markets in order to develop export potential.

"Today, Ukraine, almost the only country in the world that is not engaged in lobbying our industrialists and agrarians in international markets - they have been looking for a sale for themselves," - said the head of government.

Step 3.

Creating the right conditions in terms of both taxes and employment for businesses.

"These are common phrases today, but the third step follows from the first - what we hear from industrialists and entrepreneurs - will work, it will be immediate," - sums up Shmigal.

Source: Liga

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