The government names the risks posed by the coronavirus for Ukraine's trade

Ukraine should expect logistical problems in trade with Italy

Due to the spread of the coronavirus, Ukraine should expect logistical problems in trade with Italy and other international partners.

Ukraine's sales representative Taras Kachka told this in an interview with European Truth.

According to him, there are currently no significant trade restrictions on trade between the two countries, but since all of Italy is quarantined, its economic activity is at risk.

"We need to be prepared for logistics to be more complicated. But it will not be stopped completely. And we will try to ensure that there are no at least major logistical problems," said Duck.

According to him, such a dialogue Ukraine already has with Poland and plans to engage with other countries to strike a balance between security and stability of supply.

If a business is experiencing problems due to restrictions on coronavirus in different countries, it should contact the government and diplomatic agencies, Duck said.

Source: UP

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