Coronavirus: UIA massively cancels flights, SkyUP is preparing a statement

Passengers will be informed of any changes in the schedule in advance

Air carrier Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) cancels some flights to Italy and another 15 countries due to coronavirus. The company also reviewed the frequency of domestic flights. This statement was made by the UIA press service.

"In connection with the recommendations of the governments of many countries to prevent mass events, limiting the intensity of movement between countries and the associated reduction in demand for air travel, UIA cancels some flights to Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Germany, Israel, Spain, Great Britain, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Denmark, as well as the second frequency of individual domestic flights within Ukraine, "the press service said.

Passengers who left their contact details when booking will be informed of any changes in the schedule in advance. UIA recommends checking the status of flights a few days before departure on the airline’s website or calling the airline’s contact center.

A similar statement is being prepared by SkyUр Airlines, the company’s press service said.

Source: Segodnya

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