About us

05.09.2012 - 02:00

On September 16, 2003, "the Ukrainian-Arabic website" was founded. Later, in Decemder 2011 it was transformed into an information portal "Ukraine in Arabic." 

The main principles of our work are the absolute independence, impartiality and providing only verified information. 

We do not support the interests of any political party, corporation, exclude the possibility of propaganda and manipulation of reader's opinion.

We do not support the interests of any political party, corporation, exclude the possibility of propaganda and manipulation of opinion of the reader.

Portal "Ukraine in Arabic" provides news of the countries of the Middle East and other Muslim countries in Russian, news about Ukraine - in Arabic, being thus, a kind of bridge between Ukraine and the Islamic world.

The english version of this portal was created in August 2014 for presentation news about Ukraine and world's Muslim countries for english-speaking audience

Поделиться публикацией:
Главные новости
При посредничестве Катара в Украине из оккупации вернули 9 детей и 20-летнего юношу
Ближний восток
Наводнение в Марокко смыло автобус с людьми: многие пропали без вести
Ближний восток
Король Иордании отверг возможность приема перемещенных палестинцев
Читайте в разделе
عبد الحليبم
Теракт в Лахоре был направлен против детей и христиан, отмечавших Пасху
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