About 4.3 million got the new Ukrainian ID

16.12.2019 - 15:06 #Ukraine, #Passport, #ID, #Card
More than 4.3 million national identity cards (new type of national passport) have already been issued in Ukraine.

More than 4.3 million national identity cards (new type of national passport) have already been issued in Ukraine.

“Over 4.3 million [ID cards have already been issued]. These are teenagers who get the passport for the first time, people who reach the age of 25 or 45 and had to paste a photo into the old passport, and those who lost an old passport somewhere. Many people make a new ID card of their own accord,” Head of the State Migration Service of Ukraine Maksym Sokoliuk said in an interview with the Yevropeiska Pravda online newspaper.

He added that very senior citizens had been issued ID cards as well.

“516 citizens aged 90-100 years and eight citizens aged over 100 years obtained ID cards,” Sokoliuk informed.

Source: Ukrinform

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